I am a researcher & software engineer, presently studying Computer Science, Mathematics & Music at Cornell University with a concentration in Programming Languages (PL) and Compilers. I love research, teaching and designing software! My interests primarily lie in software design & verification, compiler engineering and researching the design and theory of programming languages.
Professionally, I work extensively within fullstack development, and dabble in algorithm design, machine learning & competitive programming. I am a strong believer that CS is at its best when used hand-in-hand with other areas. I am always searching new for ways to integrate fields ranging from music to ornithology!
I research compiler design, networking, programming language theory and computer architecture abstractions at Cornell's Capra Research Group, where I am fortunate to be advised by Adrian Sampson and Anshuman Mohan. My research spans PL and computer networks, specifically within the fascinating realm of packet scheduling. I work on developing programming languages & hardware for packet scheduling, with my current work involving developing dequeue-side packet scheduling semantics & mechanizing proofs of semantic correctness. I am an open-source contributor to the Calyx compiler infrastructure. I have also served as a BURE and ACSU representative for the Capra team.
I am one of the core developers on Cornell's CMSX research & project team, the engineering team responsible for designing & maintaining Cornell's course management system. I am fortunate to be advised by Andrew Myers and work alongside a team of fantastic developers . I developed the platform's first student commenting system, and have worked on optimizations and add-ons for regrades, rubric design and staff-side processing for grading CSVs. I currently lead the development of architecture for serialization and secure importing and exporting of course templates. I also serve as the primary maintainer of the team's JSP frontend.
Previously, I worked as a data analyst & engineer at the Cornell Lab Of Ornithology, on the Merlin project, where I worked on image classification, data cleaning software and curated database profiles for hundreds of species splits. Before that, I worked for a year as a machine learning reseacher at ASDRP, where I developed models applying supervised learning techniques to imaging in water quality analysis.
This semester marks my fourth as Head Teaching Assistant of Cornell's core course in Functional Programming and Advanced Data Structures. I am fortunate to work with Michael Clarkson and Anshuman Mohan, under whose guidance I have developed assignments, labs and recitation material, taught hundreds of students concepts including functional programming, interpreter design, formal verification & foundations of PL, and led three generations and over a hundred members of course staff.
I previously worked as the lead mentor & curriculum developer at CodeForFun's HackHighSchool program, where I led instruction in Java programming, Python Game Development and full-stack development. I have founded and tutored several educational programs for students ranging from elementary school to high school in learning the fundamentals of programming and computer science.
I am an avid birdwatcher and wildlife photographer, and sometimes post my photos online. I previously had a birdwatching blog which I will (hopefully) migrate here soon.
I play the piano, guitar and violin, having toured as an orchestra musician and pianist in both the US and Europe. I have also dabbled in Indian Carnatic and Indonesian Gamelan music. I occasionally compose and arrange music!
In my remaining spare time, I love biking and swimming, as well as cooking and baking new things. I am an avid soccer and cricket fan.